Well the stat sheet is done. To your right you will see a google doc link called Tukayyid - 2012.
This sheet has all the stats, point cost and acquisition numbers for each mech / tank, for each Clan and Comstar.
Each clan has their own tab.
What is an acquisition number? Well it determines how common a mech is in the ranks of that particular clan. The number is derived from if the clan built the chassis or not, and the weapon loadouts their mechwarriors usually run with.
So here is how unit creation will work. You will have to to build a force with a certain number of mechs that does not exceed a point total. Clanners run in Stars (5) where Comstar runs in what they call Level II's (6 units). You will also have to adhere to the rules for the specific unit you are building for. Some may not have tanks, some no infantry, some no assault mechs.
So lets use Clan Wolf as an example. Their Widowmaker Company is going to be in that nights battle. They have bid (bidding will be a later post) 2 Stars (10 units) at 150 points. So the Clanner gets 10 slots to build his force with. To Start he wants to take Natasha Kerensky as she is the special character for that unit. Her acquisition number is free so she is added to the roster. Next he decides he wants to have an assault heavy Star, and a star of elementals. So Elementals have to be taken in a full star fills up 5 more slots, also being "free" the player does not have to roll.
To add some beef, he takes a Highlander IIC (30 points) and a Supernova (28)...both *Free* acquisition wise.
So his roster looks like this....
1) Daishi Widowmaker 30 points
2) Highlander IIC 30 points
3) Supernova 28 points
6) Elemental Sm Las 4 points
7) Elemental Sm Las 4 points
8) Elemental Sm Las 4 points
9) Elemental Sm Las 4 points
10) Elemental Sm Las 4 points
So he has 2 slots left and 42 points
He wants a Mad Cat but is worried about the point so tries for the cheaper "B" version at only 22 points...but they need to roll for it needing an 8+ on 2d6. He rolls for the #4 slot and fails, tries again for the #5 slot and gets it. So he has one slot left and 20 points.
So looking through his list he sees he can get a Kraken for 20 points...needing an 8+. He fails the roll and must move on to another chassis. He sees he can take Linebacker "B" for 20 points at 8+ and again fails the roll. He tries for the Linebacker "D" for 20 points and a 8+ as well...this time he makes the roll and his force is complete.
1) Daishi Widowmaker 30 points
2) Highlander IIC 30 points
3) Supernova 28 points
4) Linebacker D 20 points
5) Mad Cat B 22 points
6) Elemental Sm Las 4 points
7) Elemental Sm Las 4 points
8) Elemental Sm Las 4 points
9) Elemental Sm Las 4 points
10) Elemental Sm Las 4 points